Monday, September 8, 2008

Hi I hope you like the bigfoot poll. but i'm am going
to tell you my daily routine. 1. I wake up then I eat.
I do school when I can. we are home schooled. and I enjoy it
i'm in 7th. grade I will go into 8th. this year. and 9th next.
I'm not looking forward to high school but it's got to happen.
then dad comes home and we have supper. then we go to bed.
I can't wait to get my learners. then my real licences.
I can't wait to go to college i'm gone go twice.
1. to be the owner of a construction company.
2. to be a mechanic on high class cars.
so i'm looking forward to college.
not to long ago I did not wan't to go to college. but now I wan't to go.
well I will update later have fun at looking at the blog.


Anonymous said...

i did like the bigfoot poll. I won't tell you how I voted, even if you can guess correctly! See ya' tonight!

Rita said...

I like the update on yesterdays tenet meeting!
Keep it up!
From: Streams of Grace

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