Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hay! Me Agian!

How are my great readers today???
I am doing great!!!!

I have a few Quotes!!! to help you in times of need!!!

1. A man without patience
is a lamp with out oil.

2. Laziness is nothing more than
resting before you get tired.

3. Trust in God and do something.

4. A coward meets his fate
in his own hideout.

5. My life is in the hands of
any fool who makes me lose my temper.

6. A life of ease is a difficult pursuit.

7. If you risk nothing,
then you risk everything.

8. To err is human; to admit it,
is superhuman.

9. Politicians are like ships:
noisiest when lost in a fog.

10. In war there are no unwounded

These are some Quotes I found in a book I have!!!
And you will never believe, what the title of the book is!!!!!
Quotes!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! (Not really funny)

Well I will wright back soon!!!
Tell me what you think of the Quotes

Jordan Whitman


Anonymous said...

I like those quotes!! My fav is probably #2! See ya' soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment
I like number 2 too

Jordan Whitman

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